Editing general Container Scan settings

Editing general Container Scan settings

Root privileges are required to change application settings.

To edit the general Container Scan settings:

  1. Save the general Container Scan settings to the configuration file using the --get-container-settings command:

    kics-control [-C] --get-container-settings --file <configuration file name>

  2. Open the created configuration file, edit the necessary Container Scan settings and save the changes.
  3. Import the Container Scan settings from the configuration file into the application using the --set-container-settings command:

    kics-control [-C] --set-container-settings --file <configuration file name>

Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Linux Nodes will apply the new settings values after you restart it.

kics-control --get-container-settings

The kics-control --get-container-settings command displays the general container scan settings. You can also use this command to export the general container scan setting to the configuration file.

Command syntax

kics-control [-C] --get-container-settings [--file <configuration file name>]

Arguments and keys

--file <configuration file name> – name of the configuration file where the Container Scan settings are saved.

If you specify the name of a file without specifying its path, the file will be created in the current directory. If a file with the specified name already exists in the specified path, it will be overwritten. If the specified directory cannot be found on the disk, the configuration file will not be created.

kics-control --set-container-settings

The kics-control --set-app-settings command sets the general container scan settings using the command keys, or imports the general container scan settings from the specified configuration file.

Command syntax

kics-control [-C] --set-container-settings --file <configuration file name>

kics-control [-C] --set-container-settings <setting name>=<setting value> <setting name>=<setting value>

Arguments and keys

--file <configuration file name> – name of the configuration file, including the full path to the file; the Container Scan settings from this file will be imported into the application.

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