Scan exclusions

A scan exclusion is a set of conditions that must be met for Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Linux Nodes to intentionally not scan certain objects for viruses and other malware. You can also exclude objects by masks and threat names, and configure exclusions for processes.

Settings of scan exclusions



Exclusion scopes

Clicking the Configure exclusions link opens the Exclusion scopes window. In this window, you can define the list of scan exclusions.

Exclusions by mask

Clicking the Configure exclusions by mask link opens the Exclusions by mask window. In this window, you can configure the exclusion of objects from scans by name mask.

Exclusions by threat name

Clicking the Configure exclusions by threat name link opens the Exclusions by threat name window. In this window, you can configure the exclusion of objects from scans based on threat name.

Exclusions by process

Clicking the Configure exclusions by process link opens the Exclusions by process window. In this window, you can exclude the activity of processes.

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