Viewing the table containing sets of Intrusion Detection rules
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When viewing the table containing sets of Intrusion Detection rules, you can use the following functions:
- Filter the table
To filter the table containing sets of Intrusion Detection rules:
- On the Intrusion detection tab, click the filtering icon in the column by which you want to filter.
You can filter by any column except the Name of rules set column.
- In the drop-down list, select the setting for filtering sets of rules.
The table containing sets of Intrusion Detection rules will display only those sets of rules that satisfy the selected filter setting.
- Search sets of rules
To find sets of Intrusion Detection rules:
On the Intrusion detection tab, enter your search query into the Search field. The search is initiated as you enter characters.
The table containing sets of Intrusion Detection rules will display the rule sets that meet the search criteria.
The search is performed based on the Name of rules set column.
- Sorting sets of rules
To sort sets of Intrusion Detection rules based on the values of a column:
- On the Intrusion detection tab, click the arrow icon in the right part of the header of the column by which you want to sort.
The table will be sorted by the selected column. The arrow icon will take the appearance corresponding to the current sort order.
- If you want to reverse the sorting order, click the arrow icon again.
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