The assets table is displayed in the Assets section of the application web interface. The assets table presents the main information about devices that are known to the application.
When viewing the assets table, you can use the following functions:
To configure the list of columns displayed in the table:
In the Assets section of the application web interface, click the Customize table button.
You will see a window for configuring the display of the assets table.
Select the check boxes opposite the settings that you want to view in the table. You must select at least one setting.
If you want to change the order in which columns are displayed, select the name of the column that needs to be moved to the left or right in the table and use the buttons containing an image of the up or down arrows.
The selected columns will be displayed in the assets table in the order you specified.
To filter assets based on the Status, Category or Security state column:
In the Assets section, click the filtering icon in the relevant column of the table.
When filtering by asset security states, you can also use the corresponding buttons in the toolbar.
The filtering window opens.
Select the check boxes opposite the values by which you want to filter events. You can clear or remove all check boxes by clicking the link that is displayed in the upper part of the filter window.
Click OK.
To filter assets by the Asset ID, OS, Vendor, Model or Network name column:
In the Assets section, click the filtering icon in the relevant column of the table.
The filtering window opens.
In the Including and Excluding fields, enter the values for assets that you want to include into the filter and/or exclude from the filter.
If you want to apply multiple filter conditions combined by the logical operator OR, in the filter window of the selected column click the Add condition button and enter the condition in the opened field.
If you want to delete one of the created filter conditions, in the filter window of the selected column click the icon.
Click OK.
To filter assets by the Address information column:
In the Assets section, click the filtering icon in the Address information column.
The filtering window opens.
In the Including and Excluding fields, in the drop-down lists select the types of addresses for assets that you want to include into the filter and/or exclude from the filter. You can select the following types of addresses:
IP address
MAC address
Complex – if you want to specify multiple addresses of different types combined by the logical operator AND. To add different types of addresses, use the Add condition (AND) button.
If you want to apply multiple filter conditions by address type combined with the logical operator OR, in the filter window click the Add condition (OR) button and select the relevant types of addresses.
If you want to delete one of the created filter conditions, in the filter window click the icon located on the right of the field containing the drop-down list.
Click OK.
To filter assets by the Group column:
In the Assets section, click the filtering icon in the Group column.
The filtering window opens.
Click the icon in the right part of the field for indicating the group.
The Select group in tree window appears.
In the asset group tree, select the relevant group and click the Select button.
The path to the selected group will appear in the field in the filter window.
If you want to apply multiple filter conditions combined by the logical operator OR, in the filter window click the Add condition button and specify a different group in the opened field.
If you want to delete one of the created filter conditions, in the filter window click the icon.
Click OK.
To filter assets by the Last seen, Last modified or Creation date column:
In the Assets section, click the filtering icon in the relevant column of the table.
The calendar opens.
In the calendar, specify the date and time for the start and end boundaries of the filtering period. To do so, select a date in the calendar (the current time will be indicated) or manually enter the value in the format DD-MM-YY hh:mm:ss.
Click OK.
To filter assets by the Labels column:
In the Assets section, click the filtering icon in the Labels column.
The filtering window opens.
Enter one or multiple labels combined with the logical operator AND.
If you want to apply multiple filter conditions combined by the logical operator OR, in the filter window click the Add condition (OR) button and enter the relevant labels (multiple labels in this condition will also be combined by the logical operator AND).
If you want to delete unnecessary labels in the filter window, you can do the following:
Use the icon next to the names of labels to delete the unnecessary labels.
Delete one of the created filter conditions by using the icon located on the right of the field.
In the Assets section, enter your search query into the Search assets field. The search is initiated as you enter characters.
The assets table will display the assets that meet the search criteria.
A search is performed in all columns except the following columns: Asset IDs, Status, Category, Security state, Last seen, Last modified, and Creation date. The search is also performed in the values of custom fields for assets.
In the Assets section, click the header of the column by which you want to sort.
When sorting assets by the Address information column, in the drop-down list of the column header select the setting by which you want to sort assets.
Depending on the values selected for display in the Address information column, you can select one of the following options:
IP address
MAC address
If you need to sort the table based on multiple columns, press the SHIFT key and hold it down while clicking the headers of the columns by which you want to sort.
The table will be sorted by the selected column. When sorting by multiple columns, the rows of the table are sorted according to the sequence of column selection. Next to the headers of columns used for sorting, you will see icons displaying the current sorting order: in ascending order or descending order of values.
Asset information could be changed on the Server while you are viewing the assets table (for example, it could be changed by another user who is connected to the Server).
To keep the assets table up to date, you can enable automatic update of the table.
To enable or disable automatic update of the assets table:
In the toolbar in the Assets section, use the Autoupdate toggle switch.