Connect to the Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks Server through the web interface using the Administrator account.
On the Devices tab in the Assets section, open the details area by clicking the Add device link.
On the Addresses tab in the details area, specify unique MAC- and/or IP addresses for the device.
You can specify multiple IP addresses for the same network interface of the device. To generate a list of IP addresses, perform one of the following actions:
If you want to add an IP address, click the Add IP address button.
If you want to remove an IP address, click the icon located on the right of the field containing the IP address.
If the device has multiple network interfaces, generate a list of network interfaces of the device and specify the corresponding MAC- and/or IP addresses for them.
To do so, perform one of the following actions:
If you want to add a network interface, click the Add interface button located under the group of settings of the last network interface of the device.
If you want to delete a network interface, click the Delete interface button located on the right of the name of the network interface of the device (if there are two or more network interfaces).
If you want to define a different name for a network interface, click the icon located on the right of the current name and enter the new name for the network interface in the field that opens.
On the Settings tab in the details area, specify the relevant values in the fields that identify the device information.
On the Addresses and Settings tabs in the details area, enable or disable automatic updates for the relevant information about the device. To do so, use the Autoupdate toggle buttons located above the fields that have automatic update capability. For the Status field, the autoupdate toggle switch is named Automatically change to Archived status due to the specific features of automatically changing the statuses of devices.
This button is unavailable if not all required information is specified in the device settings or if invalid values have been defined. The tab containing settings requiring corrected values is marked by the icon.
The devices table will show the new device with the Authorized status.
When working with the network map, you can add a new device to the devices table using a node representing a device that is unknown to the application.
To add a node of an unknown device to the devices table:
Connect to the Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks Server through the web interface using the Administrator account.
In the Network map section, select the relevant node representing a device that is unknown to the application.
The details area appears in the right part of the web interface window.
Click the Add to the Device table button.
The details area will show the tabs for configuring the settings of the new device.
Configure the settings of the new device without changing the MAC- and/or IP address that are specified for the node.
For a description of how to configure these settings, please refer to the procedure for manually adding a device when working with the devices table.
Click Save.
The devices table will show the new device with the Authorized status. The node that previously represented a device that was unknown to the application will now represent a device on the network map.
After adding a device, you can add Process Control settings for the device.