Pinning and unpinning nodes and groups

By default, nodes and collapsed groups are not pinned on the network map. Unpinned nodes and collapsed groups may be automatically arranged for optimal display of other objects.

Nodes and groups are pinned when their location is changed manually or when automatically arranged. You can also pin the current location of displayed objects without moving them.

To pin and unpin objects without moving them, you can use the following interface elements:

Buttons are available if the network map contains objects to which the corresponding actions can be applied.

After the location of a node or collapsed group is pinned, the Pin button icon appears in the upper-right corner of this element (if the network map has a scale of less than 25%). You can also use this icon to unpin the object.

The location of a pinned node or pinned group is retained. If a pinned node disappears from the network map (for example, after a filter is applied), this node will be displayed in the same location the next time it appears.

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