Centralized installation of application components in non-interactive mode

You can centrally install application components in non-interactive (silent) mode, which means without the interactive input of installation settings. For non-interactive centralized installation, you must use special settings when you run the application components centralized installation script kics4net-deploy-<application version number>.bundle.sh.

You must prepare an installation settings file for non-interactive centralized installation. You can prepare an installation settings file by using the script kics4net-deploy-<application version number>.bundle.sh.

To prepare a centralized installation settings file using the script:

  1. Configure the centralized installation settings by completing steps 1–5 of the installation procedure.
  2. Save the installation settings file by selecting Save settings and exit without installing.

    The installation settings file named inventory.json is saved in the /home/<user>/.config/kaspersky/kics4net-deploy/ folder (the application components will not be installed).

  3. If necessary, copy the centralized installation settings file into a different folder.

After preparing the centralized installation settings file, you can centrally install the application components in non-interactive mode.

To centrally install application components in non-interactive mode:

  1. On the computer from which the centralized installation will be performed, go to the folder with the unpacked files of scripts and packages for installing, verifying and removing application components, included in the distribution kit. The files are located in the kics4net-release_<application version>/linux-centos subfolder.
  2. Enter the following command:

    bash kics4net-deploy-<application version>.bundle.sh --silent-mode

    silent-mode enables non-interactive installation mode (mandatory parameter).

    In addition to the mandatory parameter, you may also add the following parameters for running the installation script:

    • -i <path to the installation settings file> indicates the full path and name of the centralized installation settings file. If the setting is not defined, the inventory.json file located in the /home/<user>/.config/kaspersky/kics4net-deploy/ folder is used.
    • --enable-debug-grpc-server – installs a debug gRPC server. This gRPC server is used for testing purposes and is not required for normal use of the application.

      If the script is run with the --enable-debug-grpc-server parameter, the application will lose its certified state.

    After you enter a script run command, the screen will prompt you to enter the password of the user running the centralized installation.

  3. Enter the password of the user running the centralized installation. The password must be entered twice: first in the SSH password prompt and then in the BECOME password prompt.

    The centralized installation script will begin the installation of components. During installation, the screen will display service messages regarding operations being completed.

Wait for completion of the script kics4net-deploy-<application version number>.bundle.sh.

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