Navigating to related items in other web interface sections

Items in certain sections of the application web interface (in particular, in data tables) can be associated with the items in other sections containing tables or data structures. For example, events may be related to devices or to risks. When working with such items, you can navigate to the related items in other sections to view details.

To view information about related items:

  1. Select the items for which you want to view information about the related items.

    It is recommended to select a limited number of items (up to 200). When you select a large number of items, you may not be able to navigate to view the related items.

  2. Open the Show related drop-down list in the toolbar.
  3. In the drop-down list, select the desired item type (for example, Devices).

A section opens that contains the items of the selected type (in this example, the devices table in the Assets section). The corresponding filtering is applied to display related items.

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