Deleting an address space

You can delete address spaces that have been added. You cannot delete the Default address space.

When deleting an address space, you must take into account the established links between this address space and the addresses that are indicated in application objects, including devices, risks, rules, events, and other objects. If deleting an address space results in the deletion of links between this address space and addresses, the application automatically deletes these addresses. This could lead to the deletion of application objects (such as devices) if these objects have no other remaining addresses.

Only users with the Administrator role can delete address spaces.

To delete an address space:

  1. Connect to the Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks Server through the web interface using the Administrator account.
  2. Select the Assets section.
  3. On the Address spaces tab, click the Empty basket icon. icon in the block containing information about the address space that you want to delete.

    A window with a confirmation prompt opens.

  4. In the prompt window, confirm deletion of the address space.
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