Adding and deleting connector types

Connector types determine the available functional capabilities of connectors and the specific functionality that can be implemented within the scope of those capabilities. You can use the connector types that are already built into the application by Kaspersky and you can use additional connector types from other vendors.

To add a connector type to the application, you must obtain the following files from the vendor:

If a connector type from a third-party vendor lets you save user account credentials in connectors for access to a recipient system, it is recommended to take measures to prevent these account credentials from being compromised. To minimize risks in case account credentials are compromised, it is recommended to provide only the minimum required permissions that these user accounts need for connections through the connectors.

The files for built-in connector types are included in the application distribution kit. These files are used to add connector types automatically during installation of application components. If built-in connector types are removed from the application for some reason, you can use the files from the distribution kit to re-add these connector types.

The connector types table is displayed under Settings → Connectors on the Connector types tab.

In this section:

Viewing the connector types table

Adding a connector type

Deleting a connector type

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