Commands used for scanning Linux devices in security audit jobs.

When scanning devices running Linux operating systems as part of vulnerability and compliance audit jobs or configuration control jobs, the necessary data is obtained on each device using the commands to start the following utilities:

All of the above utilities must be installed and available in the device operating system. If a utility is missing, data that can be provided only by this utility cannot be received.

All of the above utilities are preinstalled by default in most operating systems supported by Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Linux Nodes. You can check for the utilities by running the appropriate commands in the console of the device operating system.


To check for the utilities in CentOS:

  1. In the computer's operating system console, run the following command:

    which blkid cat df dmidecode ethtool free hwinfo ip ls lsblk lshw lsusb

    A list of paths to files of installed utilities will be displayed.

  2. Make sure the list contains the paths for all required utilities.

If a utility is missing, install a package containing this utility.


To install the dmidecode package in CentOS,

in the computer's operating system console, run the following command:

sudo dnf install dmidecode

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