Add group

To add a group to a device group tree:

  1. In the Create group tree or Select group in tree window, add a new group in one of the following ways:
    • If the tree is empty and you want to add the first group, click Add, or press either INSERT or ENTER.
    • If you want to add a group on the same hierarchical level as an existing group, select this group and press ENTER.
    • If you want to add a child group to an existing group, select this group and click Add or press INSERT.
  2. In the entry field, enter the group name.

    You can use letters, numerals, a space, and the following special characters: ! @ # № $ % ^ & ( ) [ ] { } ' , . - _ /.

    The group name must meet the following requirements:

    • Must begin and end with any permitted character except a space.
    • Must contain 255 characters or less.
    • Must not match the name of any other group included under the same parent group (not case-sensitive).
  3. Click the Icon in the form of a green completion mark. icon on the right of the entry field.
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