Rename group

To rename a group in a device group tree:

  1. In the Create group tree or Select group in tree window, select the group that you want to rename.
  2. Click Rename or press F2.
  3. In the entry field, enter the new name of the group.

    You can use letters, numerals, a space, and the following special characters: ! @ # № $ % ^ & ( ) [ ] { } ' , . - _ /.

    The group name must meet the following requirements:

    • Must begin and end with any permitted character except a space.
    • Must contain 255 characters or less.
    • Must not match the name of any other group included under the same parent group (not case-sensitive).
  4. Click the Icon in the form of a green completion mark. icon on the right of the entry field.

The new group name will appear in the information about devices that are added to this group or to its child groups.

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