KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
Storage SS_PRODINFO: General host information

General host information is stored in the section {".core", ".independent", "KLHINF"} of the host's SS_PRODINFO storage.

ProductName: .core
ProductVersion: .independent
Section: KLHINF

The section may contain the following optional variables.

"OS Directory"paramStringOperating system directory (only for Windows).
"OS Manufacturer"paramStringOperating system manufacturer.
"OS Name"paramStringOperating system name.
"OS Version"paramStringOperating system version, in human-readable form.
"Physical memory ll"paramLongAmount of RAM, in bytes.
"Processor Architecture"paramIntProcessor architecture of the operating system, one of the following values:
  • 0 Unknown
  • 1 x86
  • 2 x86-64
"Processor family"paramStringProcessor family, in the human-readable form.
"Processor number"paramIntNumber of logical processors.
"System Name"paramStringNode name.
"System Type"paramStringSystem type, in human-readable form.