KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of possible reasons for general statuses on various important events (monitoring)

The reasons for the current general status value are presented by the following reasons as a bitmask:

ValueDescriptionOutput parameters
0No new critical events or errors found.
1There are N new critical events registered on the server (starting from the moment when the status was reset). Status can be reset. N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_CriticalSrvEventsCnt.
2The Administration Server task T failed (starting from the moment when the status was reset). Status can be reset. Output parameters:
4N new user requests raised. N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_UserRequestsCnt.
8There are N new error events registered on the server (starting from the moment when the status was reset). Status can be reset. N - KLSTS_Par_Ev_ErrorSrvEventsCnt.
16N computers in administration groups have not searched for Windows updates for long time (based on computer status). N - KLSTS_Par_Ev_WuaDataObsoleteCnt.
32There are N software updates to be installed and which have EULA to be accepted first. N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_VapmEulaUpdatesCnt.
64There are N new hosts which have a status that is not OK (other reasons, not analyzed in other statuses). N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_BadStatusHostsCnt.
128New APS files were appeared after last notice.
512There are applicable patches for managed Kaspersky products that are not yet approved by the administrator.
1024There are applicable patches for managed Kaspersky products that have KSN agreements that are not yet accepted by the administrator.
2048There are applicable patches for managed Kaspersky products that have EULAs that are not yet accepted by the administrator.
4096There are installed revoked patches that are not yet declined by the administrator.
8192Kaspersky Security Center requires reboot on reason X. X is KLSTS_Par_Ev_AdmSrvRbtRsn.
16384N new versions of already used products available to download, including M KSC components. Output parameters:
32768N new product distributives available to download. N is KLSTS_Par_Ev_NewProductsCnt.
65536N KSC MMC-console plug-ins must be upgraded to manage the applicable or installed seamless updates. Output parameters:
131072There are mobile EULAs that are not yet accepted by the administrator.
262144Accepted KSN agreement is obsolete. ID is c_sts_Par_Ev_ExpectedKsnAgreementId.
524288There are OAuth2 clients that are not yet approved by administrator.
1048576There are OAuth2 resource servers that are not yet approved by administrator.
2097152Issuer URL CA will expire soon. Array of certificates name from Issuer URL CA chain, which will expire soon, is c_sts_Par_Ev_AdfsIssuerUrlCaExpiresSoonNames.
4194304DPA is not accepted by the administrator. Number of DPA not yet accepted by administrator is KLSTS_Par_Ev_DpaNotAccepted.
See also: