KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of user agreement attributes

List of possible user agreement attributes is presented below.

"nEulaDbId"paramIntDatabase ID of EULA.
"KLPKG_EULA_UID"paramBinaryUID of EULA related to a package.
"nAgreementType"paramIntType of the user license agreement. The available values are 0 for EULA, 1 for KSN.
"strEULA"paramStringAgreement text.
"KLPKG_LANG_TAG"paramStringAgreement language tag, according to BCP 47. For example: "en", "zh-Hans"; empty means "international".
"bEulaAccepted"paramBoolThe attribute accepts true if Agreement is accepted for the current virtual server.
"WUA_LCID"paramIntAgreement LCID (optional).