KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description

Array of Jwks tokens is described below.

KLSRV_ADFS_JWKS_ARRAYparamArrayArray of Jwks tokens. Each entry of the array is a (paramParams) container that contains attributes KLSRV_ADFS_JWKS_*. See the table below.

Attributes of the Jwks token container with the IKlAkParams data type are presented below.

KLSRV_ADFS_JWKS_ALGparamStringAlgorithm (alg). Indicates the algorithm that was used to sign the token.
KLSRV_ADFS_JWKS_KIDparamStringKey ID (kid). Thumbprint for the public key used to verify this token.
KLSRV_ADFS_JWKS_X5TparamStringX.509 Certificate SHA-1 Thumbprint (x5t).
KLSRV_ADFS_JWKS_X5C_PEMparamBinaryX.509 Certificate Chain (x5c) in PEM-format.


    +--- (paramParams)