KSC Open API  13.1
Kaspersky Security Center API description
NLA-defined networks

Network Location Awareness (NLA) networks can be used as scope of distribution points.
Each NLA-defined network is defined by a list of NLA locations. If Network Agent reports active NLA location to Administration Server and this location is used to define a NLA-defined network, Network Agent becomes a member of the NLA-defined network.
NLA-defined networks have the following attributes:

Attribute nameData typeDescription
NLANTWK_NETWORK_NAME paramString Human-readable network name.
NLANTWK_ENABLE_AUTOUA paramBool Enable the automatic distribution points assignment to this network flag.
NLANTWK_NETWORK_LOCATIONS paramArray Array of the paramString network locations that define this network. Network locations may be defined in Network Agent policies.

See also:
NlaDefinedNetworks - Manage NLA-defined networks