Monitoring and reporting

This section describes the monitoring and reporting capabilities of Kaspersky Security Center. These capabilities give you an overview of your infrastructure, protection statuses, and statistics.

After Kaspersky Security Center deployment or during the operation, you can configure the monitoring and reporting features to best suit your needs.

You can create and view user-defined event selections based on the settings available, in the Kaspersky Security Center 13.2 Web Console interface, for configuration.

In this section

Scenario: Monitoring and reporting

Monitoring traffic lights and logged events in Administration Console

Working with reports, statistics, and notifications

Monitoring of applications installation and uninstallation

Event types

Blocking frequent events

Controlling changes in the status of virtual machines

Monitoring the anti-virus protection status using information from the system registry

Viewing and configuring the actions when devices show inactivity

Disabling Kaspersky announcements

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