KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of possible parameters for general statuses on managed applications deployment

List of possible parameters for general statuses on managed applications deployment is presented below.

"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_HostsInGroups"paramIntNumber of hosts located in the managed administration groups.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_HostsWithAVP"paramIntNumber of hosts located in the managed administration groups that have a Kaspersky anti-virus product installed.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_RITaskName"paramStringRemote installation task name.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_RITaskPercent"paramIntRemote installation task completion percent.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_RITaskStrId"paramStringRemote installation task identity.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_RITaskFailedCnt"paramIntNumber of hosts where the remote installation task failed.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_RITaskOkCnt"paramIntNumber of hosts where the remote installation task succeeded.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_RITaskNeedRbtCnt"paramIntNumber of hosts required reboot to complete the remote installation.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_LicExparingSerial"paramStringExpiring license key serial number.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_LicExparingCnt"paramIntNumber of hosts where the license key is about to expire.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_LicExparingDays"paramIntNumber of days left before the license key expires.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_LicExparedSerial"paramStringExpired license key serial number.
"KLSTS_Par_Dpl_LicExparedCnt"paramIntNumber of hosts where the license key is expired.
See also: