KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
Description of the KLLIC_APP_IDS format

Application IDs and licensed objects. Each entry of KLLIC_APP_IDS is also a paramParams container that has a name based on the ApplicationID (for example" "1017", "1105") and contains following values.

"KLLIC_APP_ID"paramIntApplication ID in a numeric form.
KLLIC_LICOBJECT_numparamIntName of this attribute contains the value of the licensed object ID (num). The value this attribute contains the limitation ('licenses count') for the licensed object 'num'.


    +--- (PARAMS_T)
        +---KLLIC_APP_IDS (PARAMS_T)
        |   +---1017 (PARAMS_T)
        |   |   +---KLLIC_APP_ID = (INT_T)1017
        |   |   +---KLLIC_LICOBJECT_66 = (INT_T)5
        |   +---1750 (PARAMS_T)
        |       +---KLLIC_APP_ID = (INT_T)1750
        |       +---KLLIC_LICOBJECT_1 = (INT_T)50
        |       +---KLLIC_LICOBJECT_102 = (INT_T)-1
        |       +---KLLIC_LICOBJECT_54 = (INT_T)-1
        |       +---KLLIC_LICOBJECT_58 = (INT_T)-1
        |       +---KLLIC_LICOBJECT_60 = (INT_T)-1
        |       +---KLLIC_LICOBJECT_68 = (INT_T)-1
        |       +---KLLIC_LICOBJECT_70 = (INT_T)-1
        |       +---KLLIC_LICOBJECT_72 = (INT_T)-1
See also:
List of license key attributes