KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates Categories listing

View name:v_wus_upd_category

nRevisionIDparamIntRevision database ID
strUpdateIDparamStringGlobal Microsoft Windows update ID. ANSI symbols.
nRevisionNumberparamIntUpdate revision number
nCategoryTypeparamIntMicrosoft software update category type, see Software update category type enum
nUpdateClassificationparamIntMicrosoft software update classification, see Software update classification enum
strParentCategoryIDparamIntUpdate identity ("strUpdateID") of the parent category (e.g., identity of "product family" category for a "product" category, or "company" for "product family")
tmCreationDateparamDateTimeRevision release time
tmRegistrationDateparamDateTimeRevision registration (in KSC database) time
bExpiredparamBoolIs the revision expired or not
imgXmlparamBinaryUpdate metadata BLOB (according to the [MS-WSUSSS] protocol)