KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
Srvview list for Microsoft Windows Updates revisions listing

View name:v_wus_upd_revision

nRevisionIDparamIntRevision database ID
strUpdateIDparamStringGlobal Microsoft Windows update ID. ANSI symbols.
nRevisionNumberparamIntUpdate revision number
nUpdateTypeparamIntUpdate type, see Software update type enum
nCategoryTypeparamIntMicrosoft software update category type, see Software update category type enum
nUpdateClassificationparamIntMicrosoft software update classification, see Software update classification enum
strParentCategoryIDparamIntUpdate identity ("strUpdateID") of the parent category (e.g., identity of "product family" category for a "product" category, or "company" for "product family")
tmCreationDateparamDateTimeRevision release time
tmRegistrationDateparamDateTimeRevision registration (in KSC database) time
bExpiredparamBoolIs the revision expired or not
imgXmlparamBinaryUpdate metadata BLOB (according to the [MS-WSUSSS] protocol)
bExplicitlyDeployableparamBoolIs the update explicitly deployable or not
bIsPublicparamBoolIs the update public or not
nEulaDbIdparamIntDatabase ID of EULA related to the update revision
bEulaPresentparamBoolIs the EULA present for the update or not
bEulaAcceptedparamBoolIs the update EULA accepted on the current virtual server or not
lMaxDownloadSizeparamLongExpected maximal download size of the update
nMsrcSeverityparamIntSeverity rating of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) bulletin associated with the update, see severity rating of the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) bulletin associated with the update
strMSKBparamStringPrimary Microsoft Knowledge Base Article ID associated with the update
strKBArticleIDparamStringMicrosoft Knowledge Base Article ID associated with the update (might result in multiple records)
strMSSBparamStringPrimary Microsoft Security Bulletin ID associated with the update
strSecurityBulletinIDparamStringMicrosoft Security Bulletin ID associated with the update (might result in multiple records)
bCanRequestUserInputparamBoolIs the update installation potentially interactive (can request user input)
InstallFlagsparamIntUpdate installation flags bitmask, see Update installation flags
strMajorVersionNameparamStringProduct major version human readable name
ProductNameparamStringProduct family human readable name
nApprovementStateparamIntUpdates approvement management attributes, see Update approvement state enum
nIntegralDownloadStateparamIntIntegral download state (for all target hosts), see Update download state enum
nDownloadStateparamIntUpdate download state, see Update download state enum
nNotInstalledCountparamIntNumber of instances of not installed updates (applicable, running, etc.)
nApplicableCountparamIntNumber of installations where the update is applicable (as a minor update)
nAssignedCountparamIntNumber of installations where the update is assigned for installation by an existing task (but is not installing yet)
nInstallingCountparamIntNumber of installations where the update is currently installing
nInstalledCountparamIntNumber of installations where the update is successfully installed
nFailedCountparamIntNumber of installations where the last known update installation state is "failed"
nNeedRebootCountparamIntNumber of installations where the update installation is pending due to OS reboot request
nInstallStateparamIntUpdate installation state, see Software update installation state enum
nTaskIdparamIntDatabase ID of task having a rule to install the update directly
nTopTaskIdparamIntDatabase ID of the top root group task having a rule to install the update directly
SupersededIDparamStringUpdate identity ("strUpdateID") of update, superseded by given update (results in multiple records)
SupersededRevisionIDparamIntRevision identity ("nRevisionID") of update, superseded by given update
SupersedingRevisionIDparamIntRevision identity ("nRevisionID") of update, superseding the given update
IsSupersedingparamBoolIf the update supersedes other update(s)
IsSupersededparamBoolIf the update is superseded by other update(s)
bHasDependandPatchesparamBoolIf some patches require this patch as a prerequisite
bHasPrerequisitesparamBoolIf patch has any prerequisites
nMaxVulnSeverityparamIntMaximal vulnerability severity rating for all the vulnerability instances to be fixed by this update, see Vulnerability severity rating according to the Kaspersky classification
SeverityRatingparamIntVulnerability severity rating of a vulnerability instance to be fixed by this update on a given host, see Vulnerability severity rating according to the Kaspersky classification
VulnerabilityIdparamStringIdentity (name) of a vulnerability to be fixed by this update on a given host
nVulnIdparamIntDatabase identity of a vulnerability to be fixed by this update on a given host
strVulnUidparamStringUnique identity of a vulnerability to be fixed by this update on a given host
nVulnDbIdparamStringDatabase identity of a vulnerability description
nVulnerabilityGlbIdparamLongGlobal vulnerability identity in the updatable Kaspersky bases
tmTimestampparamDateTimeLast known update state change time from an appropriate host
szwHostFQDNparamStringFQDN of an appropriate host
nAssignedTaskIdparamIntDatabase identity of task assigned to install the update
bIsTaskAssignedPartlyparamBoolIf the task identified by c_szwAssignedSysPatchTaskDbId is assigned to install patch not on all the hosts where it is applicable
KLHST_WKS_LIDparamLongAppropriate host internal integer ID
KLHST_WKS_HOSTNAMEparamStringAppropriate host identity, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_DNparamStringAppropriate host display name, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_WINHOSTNAMEparamStringAppropriate host netbios name, see List of host attributes
KLHST_WKS_IPparamLongAppropriate host IPv4 address (with network byte order), see List of host attributes. Obsolete, use KLHST_WKS_IP_LONG instead
KLHST_WKS_IP_LONGparamLongHost IP address (in little-endian byte order), see List of host attributes