KSC Open API  13.0
Kaspersky Security Center API description
"Information about KL products"

Information about KL products is contained in the "KLHST_APP_INFO" container. It has sub-containers named after products *. Each such sub-container has one or more subcontainers named after product version *. The latter contains following variables.


PRCI component instance state, one of:

  • 0 (STATE_INACTIVE) Inactive
  • 3 (STATE_RUNNING) Running

KLHST_APP_STATE_TIMEparamDateTimeUTC-time when the application state changed


        +--- (PARAMS_T)
            +---KLHST_APP_INFO (PARAMS_T)
                +---1093 (PARAMS_T)
                |   +--- (PARAMS_T)
                |       +---KLHST_APP_STATE = (INT_T)3
                |       +---KLHST_APP_STATE_TIME = (DATE_TIME_T)25-01-2018 09:10:27
                +---1103 (PARAMS_T)
                |   +--- (PARAMS_T)
                |       +---KLHST_APP_STATE = (INT_T)3
                |       +---KLHST_APP_STATE_TIME = (DATE_TIME_T)25-01-2018 09:10:27
                +---ConnProd (PARAMS_T)
                    +--- (PARAMS_T)
                        +---KLHST_APP_STATE = (INT_T)3
                        +---KLHST_APP_STATE_TIME = (DATE_TIME_T)25-01-2018 09:10:27