Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of common attributes of execution file from AppControl

"FILE_ID"paramIntFile ID from database.Unique inside one Administration Server.
"FILE_NAME"paramStringFile name.Get from the VersionInfo file.
"FILE_NONEMPTY_NAME"paramStringNon-empty file name.

Usually, this is equal to "FILE_NAME". If it is empty, a name from a file instance is used.

"FILE_HASH_MD5"paramBinaryMD5 hash of file. 
"FILE_HASH_SHA256"paramBinarySHA256 hash of file.


"FILE_TYPE"paramIntFile type. One of the following values:
  • 0 - Exe
  • 1 - Dll
  • 2 - Sys
  • 3 - Cmd
  • 4 - Script
  • 5 - Reg
  • 6 - MSI
  • 7 - Cpl
  • 8 - WWAhost
  • 9 - MSHta


"FILE_HIPS_ID"paramIntHIPS file ID.


"FILE_VERSION"paramIntFile version.Get from the VersionInfo file.
"FILE_VERSIONRAW"paramStringFile version in raw formGet from the VersionInfo file.
"PRODUCT_NAME"paramStringProduct name.Get from the VersionInfo file.
"PRODUCT_VERSION"paramIntProduct version.Get from the VersionInfo file.
"PRODUCT_VERSIONRAW"paramStringProduct version in a raw form.Get from the VersionInfo file.
"ORGANIZATION_NAME"paramStringOrganization name.Get from the VersionInfo file.
"HST_FIRST_APPEAR"paramDateTimeTime when instance of the file has been added into database, in UTC. 
"HOST_ID"paramIntHost ID from database.Unique inside one Administration Server.
"HOST_NAME"paramStringHost name. A unique server-generated string. See KLHST_WKS_HOSTNAME attribute. String is if no Network Agent is installed.Read-only.
"HOST_DISPLAY_NAME"paramStringHost display name. 

Collection of the file categories. Each entry of the array is an IKlAkParams container that contains the following attributes:

        "CatList" (paramArray)
        +--<0> (paramParams)
        +--"CatType" (paramInt)
        +--"CatId" (paramBinary)
        +--"CATEGORY_DN" (paramString)


  • "CatType" - Type of the file category (0 means "Kaspersky category", 1 means "Custom category")
  • "CatId" - GUID of the file category
  • "CATEGORY_DN" - Display name of the file category


"CERT_ID"paramBinaryID of the certificate. 
"CERT_SERIAL"paramBinarySerial number of the certificate. 
"CERT_THUMBPRINT"paramBinaryThumbprint of the certificate. 
"CERT_PUBLICKEY"paramBinaryPublic key of the certificate. 
"CERT_ISSUER"paramStringIssue of the certificate. 
"CERT_SUBJECT"paramStringSubject of the certificate. 
"CERT_VALIDFROM"paramDateTimeIndicates when the certificate becomes valid. 
"CERT_VALIDTO"paramDateTimeIndicates when the certificate expires.