Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of host search-only attributes
"KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_NAME"paramStringProduct name.
"KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_VERSION"paramStringProduct version name.
"KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_ID"paramStringSearch-only attribute, product name and version are divided by a slash (e.g. '1093/', '1103/', 'KES/'), up to 64 chars, supported since 10SP2.
"KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_BUILD"paramLongProduct build. A 64-bit number, each build number component occupies 16 bits. For example, 2814758357182738 = 0xA000200022912 means 0x000A.0x0002.0x0002.0x2912 =
"KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_INSTALLED"paramDateTimeAnti-virus installed, in UTC.
"KLHST_WKS_PRODUCT_TAG_NAME"paramStringValue of the tag that is assigned to a product that is installed on the host.
"KLHST_INCLUDED_WKS_PRODUCT_TAG_NAME"paramStringUsed to search by value of the tag that is not assigned to products.
"KLHST_HF_DN"paramStringDisplay name of hotfix of product.
"KLHST_HF_ID"paramStringString If of hotfix of product.
"KLHST_INCLUDED_HF_DN"paramStringUsed to search by product hotfix that is not installed on the host.
"KLHST_WKS_AV_BASES_RECORDS"paramIntNumber of records in anti-virus bases.
"KLHST_WKS_AV_BASES_DATE"paramDateTimeAnti-virus bases, in UTC.
"KLHST_WKS_AV_BASES_SEC"paramIntAnti-virus bases age in seconds (in comparison to appropriate bases on server).
"KLHST_WKS_STATUS_MASK_N"paramIntExtended status mask bit, where N = 0..8.
"KLHST_NAG_INSTID"paramStringNetwork Agent installation ID.
"KLHST_WKS_GROUPID_GP"paramIntID of administration group that is an ancestor for a host (supported by Administration Server 7.0 or higher).
"KLDPNS_ID"paramIntID of IP subnet where the host is located.
"KLHST_AD_GROUP"paramIntID of AD group.
"KLHST_AD_ORGUNIT"paramIntID of AD organization unit where the host is located.
"KLHST_AD_ORGUNIT_GP"paramIntID of AD organization unit where the host or its ancestor is located (supported by Administration Server 7.0 or higher).
"KLHST_UNCURED_PRESENT"paramBoolThe parameter accepts true if the host has uncured objects (supported by Administration Server 7.0 or higher).
"KLHST_INACT_BASES_PRESENT"paramBoolThe parameter accepts true if the host has obsolete anti-virus bases (supported by Administration Server 7.0 or higher).

The parameter is true if the host can be used for PKI integration (supported by Administration Server 15.1 or higher).


Searching on the product-defined host status reason ID, since KSC 10 SP2 MR1.

"KLHST_CLOUD_CONTAINER"paramBinaryID of a cloud container where the host is located. See SrvView List of server cloud containers.

ID of a cloud container where the host or its ancestor is located. For more information, see SrvView List of server cloud containers. Also, top-level cloud container ID may be used.


The parameter accepts true if mobile host has owner certificate.

The attribute has following format:



  • Product - product name (non-displayed)
  • Version - product version (non-displayed)
  • reason_guid_in_hex - binary(16) reason ID in hex provided by a plug-in


  • "1103/"
  • "1093/"

"KLHST_WKS_TAG_NAME"paramStringValue of the tag that is assigned to host.
"KLHST_INCLUDED_WKS_TAG_NAME"paramStringUsed to search by value of the tag that is not assigned to the host.
"KLHST_WKS_USER_BINID"paramBinaryUniversal user ID, identifies user.
"KLHST_WKS_SESSION_USER_BINID"paramBinaryUniversal user ID, identifies user. Searches among opened sessions only.

The parameter accepts true if mobile host has owner certificate.


"KLHST_WKS_COMPETITOR_PRODUCT_NAME"paramStringDisplay name of competitor application that is installed on the host.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PRODUCT_NAME"paramStringDisplay name of software application that is installed on host. See Full-text attribute.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PRODUCT_DISPLAY_VERSION"paramStringDisplay version of software application that is installed on host. See Full-text attribute.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PRODUCT_PUBLISHER"paramStringPublisher of software application that is installed on host. See Full-text attribute.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PRODUCT_STRID"paramStringString ID of software application that is installed on host (unique for all Administration Servers).
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PRODUCT_INSTALL_DATE"paramDateTimeSoftware application installed, in UTC.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PRODUCT_INSTALL_DIR"paramStringSoftware application installation directory.
"KLHST_INACT_BASES_PRESENT"paramBoolHost has obsolete anti-virus bases.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PRODUCT_UNINSTALLSTRING"paramStringCommand to uninstall the software application.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PRODUCT_QUIETUNINSTALLSTRING"paramStringCommand to uninstall the software application in quiet mode.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_INCLUDED_PRODUCT_NAME"paramStringUsed to search by display name of the software application that is not installed on host.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PATCH_NAME"paramStringDisplay name of the software application update that is installed on host.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PATCH_DISPLAY_VERSION"paramStringDisplay version of the software application update that is installed on host.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PATCH_PUBLISHER"paramStringPublisher of the software application update that is installed on host.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_INCLUDED_PATCH_NAME"paramStringUsed to search by display name of the software application update that is not installed on host.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_PRODUCT_TAG_NAME"paramStringValue of the tag that is assigned to the software application that is installed on host.
"KLHST_INVENTORY_INCLUDED_PRODUCT_TAG_NAME"paramStringUsed to search by value of the tag that is assigned to the software application that is not installed on host.
"KLHST_HWINV_DEVICE_NAME"paramStringName of hardware device that is present on host. See Full-text attribute.
"KLHST_HWINV_DEVICE_DESCR"paramStringDescription of hardware device that is present on host. See Full-text attribute.
"KLHST_HWINV_DEVICE_MANUFACTURER"paramStringManufacturer of hardware device that is present on host. See Full-text attribute.
"KLHST_HWINV_DRIVER_VERSION"paramStringVersion of driver for hardware device that is present on host.

Provider of driver for hardware device that is present on host. See Full-text attribute.

"KLHST_HWINV_STORAGE_NAME"paramStringName of hardware storage object that is present on host.
"KLHST_HWINV_STORAGE_DESCR"paramStringDescription of hardware storage object that is present on host.
"KLHST_HWINV_STORAGE_MANUF"paramStringManufacturer of hardware storage object that is present on host.
"KLHST_HWINV_STORAGE_SERIALNUM"paramStringSerial number of hardware storage object that is present on host.
"KLHST_HWINV_STORAGE_INVNUM"paramStringInventory number of hardware storage object that is present on host.
"KLHST_HWINV_STORAGE_USERNAME"paramStringUser name of hardware storage object that is present on host.
"KLHST_HWINV_STORAGE_PLACEMENT"paramStringPlacement of hardware storage object that is present on host.
"KLHST_HWINV_STORAGE_DISKSIZE"paramIntSize of the disk on host.
"KLHST_HWINV_STORAGE_MEMSIZE"paramIntMemory size on host.

Number of CPU threads on host.

"KLHST_EXEFILE_HST_FILE_ID"paramStringFile instance ID on the host.
"KLHST_EXEFILE_HST_FILE_BIN_ID"paramBinaryFile instance ID on the host; binary presentation of the "HST_FILE_ID".
"KLHST_EXEFILE_FILE_ID"paramIntFile ID from database (unique inside one Administration Server).
"KLHST_EXEFILE_FILE_NAME"paramStringFile name (get from file VersionInfo).
"KLHST_EXEFILE_FILE_VERSION"paramIntFile version (get from file VersionInfo).
"KLHST_EXEFILE_FILEVERSIONRAW"paramStringFile version in raw form (get from file VersionInfo).
"KLHST_EXEFILE_PRODUCT_NAME"paramStringProduct name of the file (get from file VersionInfo).
"KLHST_EXEFILE_PRODUCT_VERSION"paramIntProduct version of the file (get from file VersionInfo).
"KLHST_EXEFILE_PRODUCT_VERSIONRAW"paramStringProduct version of the file in raw form (get from file VersionInfo).

Organization name (get from file VersionInfo).

"KLHST_VULN_VULNERABILITY_ID"paramStringVulnerability ID.
"VULN_MAX_SEVERITY"paramIntSeverity rating of the vulnerability, set of bits:
  • Bit 0: Warning
  • Bit 1: High
  • Bit 2: Critical

Vulnerability disappearance, in UTC.

"KLHST_WUS_UPD_UPDATE_ID"paramStringWUS update ID.
"KLHST_WUS_UPD_REVISION_NUMBER"paramStringWUS update revision number.
"KLHST_WUS_UPD_INSTALL_STATE"paramIntWUS update install state. For more information, see Software update installation state enum.
"KLHST_VAPM_KL_UPDATE_ID"paramBinaryKaspersky product update ID.
"KLHST_VAPM_KL_INSTALL_STATE"paramIntKaspersky product update install state (same values as for "KLHST_WUS_UPD_INSTALL_STATE").
"KLHST_VAPM_PRODUCT_PATCH_GLOBAL_ID"paramIntGlobal ID of vapm product patch.
"KLHST_VAPM_PRODUCT_PATCH_LCID"paramIntVapm product patch LCID.

Vapm product patch install state (same values as for "KLHST_WUS_UPD_INSTALL_STATE").

"KLHST_CLOUD_CONTAINER"paramBoolThe parameter accepts true if host belongs to the specified cloud container (supported by Administration Server 10.5 or higher).
"KLHST_CLOUD_CONTAINER_GP"paramBinaryID of cloud container where the host or its ancestor is located (supported by Administration Server 10.5 or higher).
"KLHST_CLOUD_HOST_PLATFORM"paramIntPublic cloud host platform type which accepts one of following values Instance platform type in public cloud.
"KLHST_CLOUD_HOST_BINID"paramBinaryInternal ID of the cloud host (supported by Administration Server 10.5 or higher).
"KLHST_CLOUD_HOST_TYPE"paramIntCloud type which accepts one of the values from Cloud type.