Kaspersky Security Center API description
Journal records
Attribute nameData typeDescription
"KLMDM_JRNL_RECORD_TYPE"paramIntRecord type. Enum values:
  • 0: RecTypeInfo - Record contains an information message.
  • 1: RecTypeSuccess - Record contains information about a successfully completed command.
  • 2: RecTypeFail - Record contains information about a failed command.
  • 3: RecTypeWarning - Record contains a warning message.
  • 4: RecTypePosted - Record contains information about a successfully posted command.
  • 5: RecTypeRemoving - Records contains information about what command is being removed.
  • 6: RecTypeRemoved - Record contains information about a successfully removed command.
"KLMDM_JRNL_RECORD"paramStringContains main information.
"KLMDM_JRNL_DETAILS"paramStringContains extra information, especially about a failed command.
"KLMDM_JRNL_TIME_STAMP"paramDateTimeTime stamp of record creation, in UTC.
"KLMDM_JRNL_CMD_TYPE"paramStringCommand type, such as "Wipe" or "Block".
"KLMDM_JRNL_CMD_GUID"paramStringCommand unique ID (present only if command exists).
"KLMDM_JRNL_CMD_RESULT"paramParamsResult of a completed command.