Kaspersky Security Center API description

By using SrvView, you can get the information about relationship between internal users and security internal groups.

Attribute nameData typeDescription
spl_nGrpIdparamIntID of the security group.
spl_llGrpTrusteeIdparamLongUnique ID within the list of users and security groups.
spl_binGrpIdparamBinaryBinary ID of the security group.
spl_wstrGrpNameparamStringName of the security group.
spl_nUsrIdparamIntID of a user.
spl_llUsrTrusteeIdparamLongUnique ID within the list of users and security groups.
spl_binUsrIdparamBinaryBinary ID of a user.
spl_wstrUsrNameparamStringLogin of a user.
spl_nVsIdparamIntID of the virtual server.
spl_wstrVsNameparamStringName of the virtual server.
spl_wstrFullNameparamStringUser full name.
spl_wstrMailExtraparamStringAdditional user email.
spl_wstrTelephoneExtraparamStringAdditional user phone number.
spl_bUISparamBoolUser account is based on UIS.

User has assigned roles.