To prepare for fixing vulnerabilities and transmitting patches in an isolated network, first configure an Administration Server with internet access, and then configure the isolated Administration Servers.
To configure an Administration Server with internet access:
You can name these folders whatever you like.
Run the Windows command prompt by using administrator rights, and then change your current directory to the directory with the klscflag utility. The klscflag utility is located in the folder where Administration Server is installed. The default installation path is <Disk>:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Security Center.
klscflag -fset -pv klserver -n VAPM_DATA_EXPORT_PATH -t s -v "<path to the folder
klscflag -fset -pv klserver -n VAPM_REQ_IMPORT_PATH -t s -v "<path to the folder
Example: klscflag -fset -pv klserver -n VAPM_DATA_EXPORT_PATH -t s -v "C:\FolderForPatches"
klscflag -fset -pv klserver -n VAPM_DATA_EXPORT_PERIOD_SEC -t d -v
<value in seconds
The default value is 120 seconds.
Example: klscflag -fset -pv klserver -n VAPM_DATA_EXPORT_PERIOD_SEC -t d -v 150
Run tasks manually if you want them to run earlier than it is specified in the schedule. The order in which tasks are started is important. The Fix vulnerabilities task must be run after finishing the Find vulnerabilities and required updates task.
Now, the Administration Server with internet access is ready to download and transmit updates to isolated Administration Servers. Before you start fixing vulnerabilities, configure the isolated Administration Servers.