Distribution point

Distribution point (previously known as update agent) is a device with Network Agent installed that is used for distribution of updates, remote installation of applications, and retrieval of information about networked devices. Distribution points accelerate update distribution and free up Administration Server resources. A distribution point can perform the following functions:

Files are transmitted from the Administration Server to a distribution point over HTTP or, if SSL connection is enabled, over HTTPS. Using HTTP or HTTPS results in a higher level of performance, compared to SOAP, through cutting traffic.

Devices with Network Agent installed can be assigned distribution points either manually (by the administrator), or automatically (by the Administration Server). The full list of distribution points for specified administration groups is displayed in the report about the list of distribution points.

The scope of a distribution point is the administration group to which it has been assigned by the administrator, as well as its subgroups of all levels of embedding. If multiple distribution points have been assigned in the hierarchy of administration groups, Network Agent on the managed device connects to the nearest distribution point in the hierarchy.

A network location can also be the scope of distribution points. The network location is used for manual creation of a set of devices to which the distribution point will distribute updates. Network location can be determined only for devices running a Windows operating system.

If distribution points are assigned automatically by the Administration Server, it assigns them by broadcast domains, not by administration groups. This occurs when all broadcast domains are known. Network Agent exchanges messages with other Network Agents in the same subnet and then sends Administration Server information about itself and other Network Agents. Administration Server can use that information to group Network Agents by broadcast domains. Broadcast domains are known to Administration Server after more than 70% Network Agents in administration groups are polled. Administration Server polls broadcast domains every two hours. After distribution points are assigned by broadcast domains, they cannot be re-assigned by administration groups.

If the administrator manually assigns distribution points, they can be assigned to administration groups or network locations.

Network Agents with the active connection profile do not participate in broadcast domain detection.

Kaspersky Security Center assigns each Network Agent a unique IP multicast address that differs from every other address. This allows you to avoid network overload that might occur due to IP overlaps.

If two or more distribution points are assigned to a single network area or to a single administration group, one of them becomes the active distribution point, and the rest become standby distribution points. The active distribution point downloads updates and installation packages directly from the Administration Server, while standby distribution points receive updates from the active distribution point only. In this case, files are downloaded once from the Administration Server and then are distributed among distribution points. If the active distribution point becomes unavailable for any reason, one of the standby distribution points becomes active. The Administration Server automatically assigns a distribution point to act as standby.

The distribution point status (Active/Standby) is displayed with a check box in the klnagchk report.

A distribution point requires at least 4 GB of free disk space. If the free disk space of the distribution point is less than 2 GB, Kaspersky Security Center creates a security issue with the Warning importance level. The security issue will be published in the device properties, in the Security issues section.

Running remote installation tasks on a device assigned as a distribution point requires additional free disk space. The volume of free disk space must exceed the total size of all installation packages to be installed.

Running any updating (patching) tasks and vulnerability fix tasks on a device assigned as a distribution point requires additional free disk space. The volume of free disk space must be at least twice the total size of all patches to be installed.

Devices functioning as distribution points must be protected, including physical protection, against any unauthorized access.

See also:

Adjustment of distribution points and connection gateways

About distribution points

Scenario: Regular updating Kaspersky databases and applications

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