Kaspersky Security Center API description
SrvView CIP devices on hosts

View contains a list of CIP devices on hosts.

View name: "HstCipDev"

HostIdparamStringHost name, a unique server-generated string. See KLHST_WKS_HOSTNAME attribute. Empty string if no Network Agent is installed.
HostDNparamStringHost display name.
PLCIdparamBinaryPLC device ID.
PLCNameparamStringPLC device display name.
PLCAdditionalInfoparamBinarySerialized parameters with additional information.
tmIntegrityCheckTimeparamDateTime of integrity checking
IntegrityCheckResultparamIntIntegrity check result
"strListProductName"paramStringInternal name of the product that has a network list.Supported from KSC 15.1
"strListProductVersion"paramStringInternal version of the product that has a network list.Supported from KSC 15.1

See also:
List of supported srvviews