Kaspersky Security Center API description
Global limits
ValueMnemonic nameDescription
0LP_MaxCountOfVirtualServerMax count of virtual servers
1LP_MaxCountOfHostsMax count of hosts
2LP_MaxCountOfInternalUsersMax count of internal users
3LP_MaxCountOfEventsMax count of events in db
4LP_NagentMovingPossibility of moving Network Agent
5LP_SoftwareInventorySoftware inventory enabled
6LP_HardwareInventoryHardware inventory enabled
7LP_UpdateAgentDistribution points enabled
8LP_SlaveServerSecondary server enabled
9LP_NetworkScanByServerAdministration Server is able to scan the network
10LP_SslOnlyConnect only using SSL
11LP_ConsoleMustUsePort13291Console must use port 13291
12LP_NagentMustUsePort13000Network Agent must use port 13000
13LP_NagentMustUseTwoWayAuthNetwork Agent must use two way authentication
14LP_MobileMustUseTwoWayAuthOnPort13292Mobile must use two way authentication using port 13292
15LP_ManualSetFlagKeepConnectionManual change of flag "Keep connection" enabled
16LP_ManualCreationOfMovingRulesManual creation of moving rules enabled
17LP_ManualCreationOfGroupsOnVirtServerManual creation of group on virtual servers enabled
18LP_HostTagRulesAuto host tag rules enabled
19LP_BackupAndRestoreBackup and restore enabled
20LP_SystemManagementSystem management enabled
21LP_SM_NACNAC enabled
22LP_SM_PXEPXE enabled
23LP_SM_ExtPatchesExtPatches installation enabled
24LP_SM_WSUSWSUS enabled
25LP_SM_ThirdPartyLicenseManagementManagement of the third-party license keys
26LP_CustomCategoriesCustom categories enabled
27LP_AppControlApplication control enabled
28LP_KsnProxyKsnProxy enabled
29LP_ActivationProxyActivation proxy enabled
30LP_VS_MaxCountOfInstallationPackagesMax count of installation packages on virtual server
31LP_VS_MaxCountOfMovingRulesMax count of moving rules on virtual server
32LP_VS_MaxCountOfTasksMax count of tasks on virtual server
33LP_VS_MaxCountOfPoliciesMax count of policies on virtual server
34LP_VS_MaxCountOfLicensesMax count of licenses on virtual server
35LP_VS_MaxCountOfReportInstancesMax count of instances of reports on virtual server
36LP_VS_MaxCountOfComputerQueriesMax count of computer queries on virtual server
37LP_VS_MaxCountOfEventQueriesMax count of event queries on virtual server
38LP_VS_MaxCountOfHostsMax count of hosts on virtual server
39LP_VS_MaxCountOfInternalSecurityGroupsMax count of internal security groups on virtual server
40LP_LicLoadRestrictIosMdmCheck iOS MDM license restrict
41LP_VS_LicLoadKeyFileAdd keys version 1.0 to KSC key storage
42LP_OfflineUpdatesOffline updates enabled
43LP_BroadcastDomainsBroadcast domains detection enabled
44LP_InterUserUniqVsScopeThe parameter accepts true if the user name is unique in virtual server. Otherwise, the user name is unique in physical server.
45LP_SysPowerManagementCheck sleep(hibernation) enabled
46LP_RestrictRemoteConsoleRestrict console connection enabled
47LP_MaxCountOfConsolesMax count of console connections
48LP_VS_MaxTotalCountOfConsolesMax count of console connections to all virtual servers
49LP_KLOAPI_MaxSizeOfJsonRequestInBytesMax size of JSON body in KLOAPI request in bytes
50LP_KLOAPI_MaxSizeOfHttpRequestInBytesMax size of allocated data per HTTP request parsing
51LP_TiedObjLifeTimeSecDefaultDefault lifetime in seconds, of tied objects (chunk accessors, settings storages, etc)
52LP_TiedObjLifeTimeSecMaxMaximum lifetime in seconds, of tied objects (chunk accessors, settings storages, etc)
53LP_InTrashObjectsSupportedInformation about deleted objects is stored
54LP_HrchMustUseTwoWayAuthRequire client authentication in primary - secondary connections
55LP_FcMaxUploadFileSizeMaximum size of uploading file to get metadata
56LP_MasterAffectsVsOfSlaveGroups syncs(tasks, policies, etc) from the primary server affects virtual servers of current server(which is secondary)
57LP_MaxLoginQueueSizeMax length of login queue
58LP_CategoryFromDirAllow to create a category based on hashes of files from directory
59LP_AssignUaAutomaticallyAutomatic assignment of distribution points is allowed
60LP_CustomInstallationPackagesIf custom installation packages are allowed
61LP_MassEventsMass eventing is allowed
62LP_LicLoadKeyFilePhysServerAllow to put license keys activation 1.0 into license storage of the 'physical' server
63LP_NlstMaxListSizeMultiplierMultiplier to get default max count of network list items per 1000 hosts to keep in the database
64LP_EVP_NotifyByMailNotification on events by email available
65LP_EVP_NotifyBySmsNotification on events by SMS available
66LP_EVP_NotifyByScriptNotification on events by running executable files or scripts available
67LP_EVP_NotifyBySnmpNotification on events by SNMP available
68LP_EVP_LimitNotificationsByEventsTypesSupport general events notification limits by events types ("KLEVP_TEST_PERIOD_TO_SEND_EVENTS" and "KLEVP_MAX_EVENTS_TO_SEND_PER_PERIOD")
69LP_EVP_AccumulateNotificationsByRecipientsSupport notification accumulation by notification recipients ("KLEVP_NF_SINGLE_INTERVAL_FOR_RECIPIENT_SEC" and "KLEVP_NF_ACCUMULATIVE_INTERVAL_FOR_RECIPIENT_SEC")
70LP_AuthSessionLifetimeSecAuthentication session maximum time to live, in seconds. unlim for infinity
71LP_AuthSessionInactiveLifetimeSecAuthentication session maximum inactive timeout, in seconds. unlim for infinity
72LP_AdministrationServerPolicyAllowedif creation of policy for 1093 product is allowed
73LP_MaxCountOfGuiStatisticsMaximum count of gui-statistics to send at once
74LP_RestrictRemoteOsAuthRestrict remote connections for OS users enabled
75LP_SendKsnStatisticsSend KSN statistics
76LP_VAPM_SetPackagesToFix3dPartyVulnsSet custom packages to fix 3-d party applications vulnerabilities
77LP_VS_MaxCountOfSysPatchTasksMax count of patch management tasks on virtual server
78LP_VS_MaxCountOfSysPatchApprovementsMax count of updates, which approved to install
79LP_VS_MaxCountOfSysPatchTaskRulesMax count of rules of patch management task on virtual server
80LP_VS_MaxCountOfSysPatchesMax count of patches/vulnerability to install
81LP_VS_MaxCountOfAlternativeSysPatchTasksMax count of alternative patch manager tasks on virtual server
82LP_NetworkScan_ADAbility to scan Active Directory
83LP_NetworkScan_MSAbility to scan Microsoft Network
84LP_NetworkScan_DPNSAbility to scan IP ranges
85LP_NetworkScan_PCLOUDAbility to scan pcloud
86LP_MDMMobile device management support
87LP_EMBEDDEDEmbedded device management support
88LP_SM_VAPMVAPM is supported by Administration Server
89LP_UPDATES_RETRKaspersky bases retranslation is supported
90LP_ReportPDFExportGenerating reports as PDF is supported
91LP_AACAAC is supported
92LP_ENCRYPTIONEncryption traits are supported
93LP_Hosted_MigrationMigration to KSC_Hosted is supported
94LP_Report_AV_PROD_INFO_EMLSummary Report on Mail System Protection Applications
95LP_RDPRDP tunneling is supported
96LP_WDSWDS tunneling is supported
97LP_RDURemote Diagnostics Utility is supported
98LP_VirusOutbreakVirus Outbreak
99LP_Report_AV_PROD_INFO_FSEnabled 'Summary Report on Workstation and Windows Server Protection Applications'
100LP_DpPushServerPushServer functionality enabled for distribution points
101LP_KLCategoriesKaspersky categories supported
102LP_ApplicationControlAutoCategoriesApplication control: auto update categories
103LP_ApplicationControlHashFromMSIApplication control: hash from MSI-file
104LP_WRITE_CRASHDUMPSIf write crashdumps
106LP_ENABLE_IPMIf IPM is enabled
107LP_VULN_LIFETIME_DAYSThe maximum number of days that closed vulnerabilities can be stored in KSC database
108LP_MaxHostsCountInSilverImageMax hosts count in silver image category
109LP_NetworkScan_ImpersonateShould network scan use login impersonation
110LP_OpenAPI_ThreadsNumber of threads to process Open API calls
111LP_SplPasswordMinMinimal length of SPL password
112LP_SplPasswordMaxMaximum length of SPL password
113LP_SplPasswordDefDefault (recommended) length of SPL password
114LP_OsPasswordDefDefault (recommended) length of OS password
115LP_EntraIdIs EntraId functionality enabled
116LP_EntraIdForVServersIs EntraId functionality enabled for Virtual Servers
117LP_SplPwdForceChangePassword force change enable
118LP_SplPwdChangePeriodDaysPassword force change period days
119LP_SplPwdChangeNotificationHoursPassword force change notification hours
120LP_AllowStoreFdeKeysInAzureThe permission flag for storing FDE secrets in MS Azure. It only matters in B2B Cloud mode.