Kaspersky Security Center API description
View name: UmdmAllDevices
Name | Type | Description |
Common Device information | ||
Dev_Id | paramInt | Unified digital device ID |
Dev_ProtocolId | paramInt | Protocol ID, see: Mobile device protocol ID |
Dev_BinId | paramBinary | Binary device ID |
Dev_Model | paramString | Device model name |
Dev_OS | paramString | Device OS name |
Dev_FrName | paramString | Device friendly name |
Dev_IMEI | paramString | Device IMEI |
Dev_PhNumber | paramString | Device phone number |
Dev_Alias | paramString | Device alias |
Dev_SupportedCmds | paramLong | Mask of supported commands |
Dev_Status | paramInt | Device status, see KLMDM_DEVICE_STATUS |
Dev_Multitenancy | paramBool | Device is managed by a server in the multitenancy mode |
Dev_InTrash | paramBool | Device will be in the trash if the command KILL_ME or DELETE_APP is executed on it |
Dev_VServerId | paramInt | Device virtual server ID |
Information of a host associated with the device | ||
HostId | paramString | String host ID |
Host_VServerId | paramInt | Host virtual server ID |
HostDisplayName | paramString | Host display name |
Host_Group | paramInt | Host group ID |
Device owner information | ||
OwnerBinId | paramBinary | Owner binary ID |
OwnerDisplayName | paramString | Owner display name |
OwnerMail | paramString | Owner e-mail |
OwnerMailExtra | paramString | Owner extra e-mail |
OwnerMobile | paramString | Owner mobile phone number |
OwnerPhoneNumber | paramString | Owner phone number |
OwnerPhoneNumberExtra | paramString | Owner extra phone number |
OwnerSamAccountName | paramString | Owner SAM Account Name |
OwnerSamDomainName | paramString | Owner SAM domain name |
OwnerJobTitle | paramString | Owner job title |
OwnerDepartment | paramString | Owner department |
OwnerCompany | paramString | Owner company |
Computer specific information | ||
ComputerType | paramInt | Computer type, bit set, see KLHST_WKS_CTYPE |
PlatformType | paramInt | Platform type, see Platform Type enum |
OsVersionMajor | paramInt | Major part of operating system version |
OsVersionMinor | paramInt | Minor part of operating system version |
Apple devices specific data | ||
DeviceUDID | paramString | Device UDID |
ActivityDate | paramDateTime | Latest date of activity |
DisplayCmdList | paramString | List of commands assigned to the device, separated by a delimiter |
DisplayProfList | paramString | List of configuration profiles assigned to the device, separated by a delimiter |
BuildVersion | paramString | OS build version |
Model | paramString | Model number |
ProductName | paramString | Model string code |
SerialNumber | paramString | Device serial number |
DevCapacity | paramInt | Device capacity in gigabytes |
FreeDevCapacity | paramDouble | Device available capacity in gigabytes |
CellTechnology | paramInt | Cellular communication type:
MEID | paramString | Device MEID |
ModemFWVersion | paramString | Device modem firmware version |
ICCID | paramString | SIM card ICC ID |
BluetoothMAC | paramString | Bluetooth MAC address |
WiFiMAC | paramString | WiFi MAC address |
CurrentNetwork | paramString | Current cellular communication name |
SubsNetwork | paramString | Home cellular communication name |
CarrSetVersion | paramString | Carrier settings version |
VoiceRoamingOn | paramBool | True, if the voice roaming is enabled |
DataRoamingOn | paramBool | True, if the downloading data is enabled in roaming |
IsRoaming | paramBool | True, if in roaming |
SubsMCC | paramString | Home network country code |
SubsMNC | paramString | Home network code |
CurrentMCC | paramString | Current country code |
CurrentMNC | paramString | Current network code |
EncryptionCaps | paramInt | data encryption possibilities by the device:
PwdPresent | paramBool | True, if password is set |
PwdCompliant | paramBool | True, if password is compatible to all requirements, including Exchange and other accounts |
PwdCompliantProf | paramBool | True, if password is compatible to all profiles |
OwnerInfo | paramString | Device owner information taken from client certificate |
OwnerCertSha1Hash | paramBinary | SHA1 hash of a certificate that used for owner authentication |
DeviceStatus | paramInt | The status of the device:
OSVersion | paramString | OS version |
IMEI | paramString | Device IMEI |
Active Sync devices specific data | ||
AS_Identity | paramString | ActiveSync ID |
AS_FirstSyncTime | paramDateTime | First sync time |
AS_LastSuccessSync | paramDateTime | Last success sync time |
AS_LastPolicyUpdateTime | paramDateTime | Last policy update time |
AS_DeviceWipeSentTime | paramDateTime | Time when wipe command was sent to the Exchange server |
AS_DeviceWipeRequestTime | paramDateTime | Time when wipe command was requested by the device |
AS_DeviceWipeAckTime | paramDateTime | Time when wipe command was completed on the device |
AS_DevicePolicyApplied | paramString | Applied on the device policy name |
AS_DevicePolicyApplicationStatus | paramInt | Current country code |
AS_Status | paramInt | Policy status:
AS_DeviceId | paramString | Device ID |
AS_IsRemoteWipeSupported | paramBool | True, if wipe command is supported |
AS_DeviceOSLanguage | paramString | OS language localization |
AS_DeviceActiveSyncVersion | paramString | ActiveSync client version on the device side |
AS_EmailId | paramString | Mailbox ID |
AS_Email | paramString | Mailbox display name |
AS_EmailDisplayName | paramString | Owner display name |
AS_ObjectGUID | paramString | ActiveSync ObjectGUID |
Mobile protocol (KES) specific data | ||
KES_SupportSync | paramBool | True, if the device supports synchronization with the server |
KES_SupportSms | paramBool | True, then the device can be used as SMS-sender |
KES_MayUseSmsSendings | paramBool | True, then the Administration Server is allowed to send SMSs via this device |
KES_SupportGcm | paramBool | True, then the Administration Server can send GCM push notifications to the device (Android only) |
KES_SupportCc | paramBool | True, then the Administration Server can send custom commands to the device |
KES_PolicyComplain | paramBool | True, if the device does not comply with the policy |