Kaspersky Security Center API description
Extra search attributes for hosts and administration groups

The additional search attributes listed below are for hosts and administration groups. They are used to restrict the hierarchy depth. These attributes may be useful for improving search performance.


Maximum depth of hierarchy of secondary servers to analyze. Zero (default) means that you should not include data from the secondary servers.

A non-zero value means that you should include objects of the secondary servers in the search results. These objects are located in the hierarchy no deeper than the specified value.

Supported for the HostGroup.FindHostsAsync method only.

You should use a direct connection or gateway connection to the secondary server to receive information about the host. See: Creating gateway connections
"KLGRP_FIND_FROM_CUR_VS_ONLY"paramBoolThe attribute accepts true if this is necessary to include the search results from the current server only. If the attribute accepts false or it is absent, the resulting objects will be provided from all accessible VSs.
"KLGRP_HST_ROWS_COUNT_LIMIT"paramIntMaximum number of hosts in the recordset. If the attribute is not set or equals to 0, then number of records is not limited.
See also: