Kaspersky Security Center API description
List of report type attributes

List of report type attributes is presented below.

"RPT_TYPE"paramIntReport type ID. See also List of report types.
"RPT_DN"paramStringReport type display name.
"RPT_DESCR"paramStringReport type description.
"RPT_FIELDS"paramArrayPossible detailed fields.
"RPT_SUMM_FIELDS"paramArrayPossible summary fields.
"RPT_TOTALS"paramArrayPossible names of totals fields.
"RPT_ACCEPT_TIME_INTERVAL"paramBoolReport accepts time interval.
"RPT_ACCEPT_COMPS_LIST"paramBoolReport accepts list of hosts (either RPT_GROUP_ID or RPT_HOSTS may be set).

Report type extra data.

Contains KLRPT_FLD_TYPES attribute of type (paramParams) that contains a set of (paramParams) objects (each (paramParams) object name is a display name of field) containing two attributes: