Kaspersky Security Center API description
Traffic restrictions

Traffic manager operates traffic restrictions to define when and how to limit KSC traffic speed.
Each restriction contains IPv4 addresses range and maximum allowed network traffic speed. IPv6 addresses not supported.
If summary traffic speed between KSC server and all hosts from defined IP range exceeds maximum value, KSC delays request processing from those addresses.

Traffic manager counts only KSC traffic. Traffic from other applications is not taken into account and is not limited.
Traffic manager does not guarantee traffic speed limit defined in traffic restrictions. It limits only traffic-consuming tasks like file transfer and updates distribution. At the same time control data like synchronizations, and all traffic initiated by administrator, like transferring reports data, host search in server hierarchy or RDP tunnels are not limited, though this traffic is counted.

IP addresses range may be defined as first and last addresses, in this case these addresses and every IP between them represent restriction address range:

        +---TRFM_RESTR_IP4_LOW = (STRING_T)""
        +---TRFM_RESTR_IP4_HIGH = (STRING_T)""

IP range may also be defined as a pair (subnet, network mask):

        +---TRFM_RESTR_IP4_SUBNET = (STRING_T)""
        +---TRFM_RESTR_IP4_MASK = (STRING_T)""

Traffic limit may be defined as a constant, defined in kilobytes per second:

        +---TRFM_RESTR_LIMIT = (INT_T)100

Another option is to define speed limit, which is active only in specified hours, and not limited in other time. In following example traffic limit 200 KBytes/s is applied only from 17:00 to 20:59 local server time.

        +---TRFM_RESTR_TIME_LIMIT = (INT_T)200
        +---TRFM_RESTR_FROM_HOUR = (INT_T)17
        +---TRFM_RESTR_FROM_MIN = (INT_T)0
        +---TRFM_RESTR_TO_HOUR = (INT_T)20
        +---TRFM_RESTR_TO_MIN = (INT_T)59

If address ranges for restrictions intersect, the stricter limit is applied.

The following table defines attributes used in (paramParams) container accepted by TrafficManager.

Attribute Type Description
TRFM_RESTR_IP4_LOW paramString Low border of IP addresses diapason
TRFM_RESTR_IP4_HIGH paramString High border of IP addresses diapason
TRFM_RESTR_IP4_SUBNET paramString IP subnet
TRFM_RESTR_IP4_MASK paramString IP subnet mask
TRFM_RESTR_FROM_HOUR paramInt time period start hour, 0-23
TRFM_RESTR_FROM_MIN paramInt time period start minute, 0-59
TRFM_RESTR_TO_HOUR paramInt time period end hour, 0-23
TRFM_RESTR_TO_MIN paramInt time period end minute, 0-59
TRFM_RESTR_TIME_LIMIT paramInt limit for specified time, kilobytes per second
TRFM_RESTR_LIMIT paramInt limit for all other time, kilobytes per second
TRFM_RESTR_ID paramInt restriction id. This is output-only field and is ignored when passed to Add/Update restriction methods

See also: