Creating a report delivery task

You can create a task that will deliver selected reports.

To create a report delivery task:

  2. [Optional] Select the check boxes next to the report templates for which you want to create a report delivery task.
  3. Click the New report delivery task button.
  4. The New Task Wizard starts. Proceed through the Wizard by using the Next button.
  5. On the first page of the Wizard, enter the task name. The default name is Deliver reports (<N>), where <N> is the sequence number of the task.
  6. On the task settings page of the Wizard, specify the following settings:
    1. Report templates to be delivered by the task. If you selected them at step 2, skip this step.
    2. The report format: HTML or XLS.
    3. Whether the reports are to be sent by email, together with email notification settings.
    4. Whether the reports are to be saved to a folder, whether previously saved reports in this folder are to be overwritten, and whether a specific account is to be used to access the folder (for a shared folder).
  7. If you want to modify other task settings after the task is created, on the Finish task creation page of the Wizard enable the Open task details when creation is complete option.
  8. Click the Create button to create the task and close the Wizard.

    The report delivery task is created. If you enabled the Open task details when creation is complete option, the task settings window opens.

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