Using the klscflag utility to open port 13291

If you want to use the klakaut utility, open the 13291 port by using the klscflag utility.

The klscflag utility changes the value of the KLSRV_SP_SERVER_SSL_PORT_GUI_OPEN parameter.

To open port 13291:

  1. Execute the following command in the command line:

    $ /opt/kaspersky/ksc64/sbin/klscflag -ssvset -pv klserver -s 87 -n KLSRV_SP_SERVER_SSL_PORT_GUI_OPEN -sv true -svt BOOL_T -ss "|ss_type = \"SS_SETTINGS\";"

  2. Restart the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server service by executing the following command:

    $ sudo systemctl restart kladminserver_srv

Port 13291 is open.

To check if port 13291 has been successfully open:

Execute the following command in the command line:

$ /opt/kaspersky/ksc64/sbin/klscflag -ssvget -pv klserver -s 87 -n KLSRV_SP_SERVER_SSL_PORT_GUI_OPEN -svt BOOL_T -ss "|ss_type = \"SS_SETTINGS\";"

This command returns the following result:

+--- (PARAMS_T)


The true value means that the port is open. Otherwise, the false value is displayed.

See also:

Ports used by Kaspersky Security Center Web Console

Ports used by Kaspersky Security Center Linux

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