In the main window of the application web interface, open the management console tree and select the Settings section and Protection subsection.
In the Anti-Phishing section, click any link to open the Anti-Phishing settings window.
Select one of the following options in the Use KSN drop-down list:
Yes, if you want to use KSN.
No, if you do not want to use KSN.
Select one of the following options in the Use heuristic Anti-Phishing drop-down list:
Yes, if you want to use Heuristic Anti-Phishing.
No, if you do not want to use Heuristic Anti-Phishing.
In the Maximum scanning time field, specify the maximum duration of Anti-Phishing scanning of a message in seconds.
If Anti-Phishing scanning of a message does not finish within the time limit you specified, Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway:
Stops scanning the message (Skip action).
Assigns Error (Scan error) status to the message.
Adds the ap-status="Error" label to the message subject.
Delivers the message to the recipient.
Adds the following entry to the /var/log/maillog event log:
<scan time and date> <Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway hostname>: not clean: message-id=<message ID>: relay-ip=<IP address of the computer of the message recipient>: action="Skipped": rules=<rule ID>: size=<message size>: mail-from=<email address of the message sender>: rcpt-to=<email address of the message sender>: av-status="Clean", ap-status="Error", as-status="Error", ma-status="NotScanned, disabled by settings", cf-status="NotScanned, disabled by settings">