Viewing Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports

To view Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports:

  1. In the main window of the application web interface, go to the management console tree and select the Reports section and the subsection depending on the type of reports you want to view:
    • All reports, if you want to view all reports.
    • Daily, if you want to view daily reports.
    • Weekly, if you want to view weekly reports.
    • Monthly, if you want to view monthly reports.
    • Custom, if you want to view custom reports.

    A page with the list of reports of the type you have selected opens.

  2. Click the PDF link in the row with the details of the report that you want to view.

The report is downloaded to the hard drive of your computer in the folder that is specified as the destination folder for downloading files from the Internet in the settings of the browser that you use to manage Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway.

For example, if you are using the Microsoft Windows operating system and the Downloads folder is specified as the destination folder for downloading files from the Internet, the message is saved in the Downloads folder on the hard drive of your computer.

See also

Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports

Content of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports

Deleting Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation reports

Enabling and disabling daily reports

Configuring the daily report

Enabling and disabling weekly reports

Configuring the weekly report

Enabling and disabling monthly reports

Configuring the monthly report

Generating a custom report

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