About the DKIM signature for outgoing messages

A DKIM signature for outgoing messages  is a digital signature added to messages sent from email addresses of a certain domain for purposes of identifying users by the name of the corporate domain.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) technology combines several existing anti-phishing and anti-spam methods to improve the quality of classification and identification of legitimate email. Instead of a traditional IP address, DKIM technology adds a digital signature associated with the name of the corporate domain to the message for the purpose of identifying its sender.

See also

Domains and configuration of email routing

Adding a record to the transport map and configuring email routing (transport_map)

Adding a local domain (relay_domain)

Deleting a record from the transport map

Modifying email routing for a domain (transport_map)

About using the TLS protocol in the operation of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway

Configuring TLS security for incoming email messages

Configuring TLS security for outgoing email messages

Enabling and disabling the DKIM signature for outgoing messages

Preparing to add the DKIM signature to outgoing messages

Adding the DKIM signature to messages from addresses from a specific domain

Creating the DKIM key

Importing the DKIM key from file

Deleting the DKIM key

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