About the key

A license key is a sequence of bits used to activate and use the application in accordance with the End User License Agreement. A license key is generated by Kaspersky.

You can add a key to the application in one of the following ways: apply a key file or enter an activation code.

The added license key is displayed in the application interface as a unique alphanumeric sequence.

Kaspersky can block a license key over violations of the End User License Agreement. If the license key has been blocked, you must add a different license key to continue using the application.

The following types of keys are used for Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway:

Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus databases are updated regardless of key type.

See also

Application licensing

About the End User License Agreement

About the license certificate

About the key file

About the activation code

About the subscription

About data provision

Modes of Kaspersky Secure Mail Gateway operation under license

Adding an activation code

Adding a key file

Removing a key

Monitoring license key status

Configuring warnings about upcoming license key expiration

Purchasing a license

Renewing a license

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