The help for this version of the solution is no longer updated, so it may contain outdated information. For up-to-date information about the solution refer to the Kaspersky Secure Mobility Management 4.1 Help.
You can remove Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android from users' mobile devices remotely in the following ways:
For information about removing Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android from devices operating in device owner mode, see the App removal in device owner mode section below.
To remove the app by applying a group policy:
Complete the following steps within 15 minutes. Otherwise, you may face an error when saving changes to the policy.
This setting doesn't apply to devices operating in device owner mode.
As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android is removed from mobile devices after synchronization with the Administration Server. Users of mobile devices receive a notification that the app has been removed.
To remove the app by configuring local settings:
This setting doesn't apply to devices operating in device owner mode.
As a result, Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android is removed from mobile device after synchronization with the Administration Server. The mobile device user receives a notification that the app has been removed.
App removal in device owner mode
To remove Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android from a device operating in device owner mode:
The Reset to factory settings command is sent to the device. This command removes all device data and rolls back device settings to their factory values.
The device is removed from the list of managed devices in Administration Console.
If the device is not removed from Administration Console, there can be problems with further installation of Kaspersky apps on this device.