Using Google Firebase Cloud Messaging

To ensure timely delivery of commands to KES devices managed by the Android operating system, Kaspersky Security Center uses the mechanism of push notifications. Push notifications are exchanged between KES devices and Administration Server through Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (hereinafter referred to as FCM). In Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console, you can specify the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging settings to connect KES devices to the service.

To retrieve the settings of Google Firebase Cloud Messaging, you must have a Google account.

To enable the use of FCM:

  1. In Administration Console, select the Mobile Device Management node, and the Mobile devices folder.
  2. In the context menu of the Mobile devices folder, select Properties.
  3. In the folder properties, select the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging settings section.
  4. In the Sender ID and Server key fields, specify the FCM settings: SENDER_ID and API Key.

At the next synchronization with Administration Server, KES devices managed by Android operating systems will be connected to Google Firebase Cloud Messaging.

You can edit the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging settings by clicking the Reset settings button.

FCM service runs in the following address ranges:

If the proxy server settings (Advanced / Configuring Internet access) have been specified in the Administration Server properties in Administration Console, they will be used for interaction with FCM.

Configuring FCM: retrieving SENDER_ID and API Key

To configure FCM:

  1. Register on the Google portal.
  2. Go to the Firebase console.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • To create a new project, click Create a project and follow the instructions on the screen.
    • Open an existing project.
  4. Click the gear icon and choose Project settings.

    The Project settings window opens.

  5. Select the Cloud Messaging tab.
  6. Open the 3-dot menu next to the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) section and click Manage API in Google Cloud Console.

    The Google Cloud console opens.

    You can skip steps 6–8 if the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) is already enabled for your project.

  7. In the Google Cloud console, click Enable.
  8. Go to the Firebase console and refresh the web page.
  9. Retrieve the relevant SENDER_ID from the Sender ID field in the Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) section.
  10. Retrieve the API Key from the Server key field.

Firebase Cloud Messaging is now configured.

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