To ensure proper functioning of the iOS MDM service and timely responses of mobile devices to the administrator's commands, you need to specify an Apple Push Notification service certificate (APNs certificate) in the iOS MDM Server settings.
If you already have an APNs certificate, please consider renewing it instead of receiving a new one. When you replace the existing APNs certificate with a newly created one, Administration Server can no longer manage the previously connected iOS MDM devices.
To issue or renew an APNs certificate:
The APNs certificate wizard opens. Click Start and then proceed through the wizard using the Back and Next buttons.
When the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is created at the first step of the wizard, its private key is stored in the RAM of your device. Accordingly, all the steps of the wizard must be completed without interruption within a single session.
Step 1. Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
To create a CSR:
After you save the changes, a CSR file will be generated, and the private key of the certificate will be saved in the device memory.
Step 2. Sign the CSR file
At this step, send the CSR file that you received in the previous step of the wizard to Kaspersky for signing:
Please note that you will be able to sign the CSR file only after you upload a key that lets you use the Mobile Device Management solution.
Step 3. Receive the APNs certificate public key
At this step, do one of the following if you want to issue a new certificate or renew an existing one:
To issue a new certificate:
We recommend that you avoid using a personal Apple ID. Create a dedicated Apple ID to make it your corporate ID. After you have created an Apple ID, link it with the organization's mailbox, not a mailbox of an employee.
The file will be used to generate the public key of the APNs certificate.
Save the received file.
To renew a certificate:
We recommend that you avoid using a personal Apple ID. Create a dedicated Apple ID to make it your corporate ID. After you have created an Apple ID, link it with the organization's mailbox, not a mailbox of an employee.
The file will be used to generate the public key of the APNs certificate.
Save the received file.
Step 4. Specify the APNs certificate public key
At this step, upload the public key file received from Apple in the previous step of the wizard:
Step 5. Specify the APNs certificate private key password
At this step, enter the certificate name and private key password:
This password will be used to install the APNs certificate on iOS MDM Server.
Step 6. Complete the CSR
At this step, the APNs certificate is generated and ready to be installed on iOS MDM Server.
The private and public keys of the certificate are combined, and the APNs certificate is saved in PEM format.
Now you can install the generated APNs certificate on iOS MDM Server.
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