Configuring logging of events of Light Agent for Windows
To configure event logging in the Administration Console:
Open Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console.
In the Managed devices folder in the console tree, select the administration group containing the relevant virtual machines with the Light Agent for Windows component.
In the workspace, select the Policies tab.
Select a Light Agent for Windows policy in the list of policies and open the Properties: <Policy name> by double-clicking.
In the Light Agent for Windows policy properties window, select the Interface section in the list on the left.
The local interface settings are displayed in the right part of the window.
In the Notifications section, click the Settings button.
The Notifications window opens.
Kaspersky Security components and tasks are shown in the left part of the window. The right part of the window lists events generated for the selected component or task.
In the left part of the window, select the component or task for which you want to configure the event logging settings.
Select the check boxes next to the relevant types of events in the following columns:
Save to the application log if you want to save events in application logs.
Save in Windows event log if you want to save events in the Microsoft Windows event log.
In the Notifications window, click OK.
Click the Apply button.
To configure event logging in the local interface:
In the left part of the window, in the Other settings section, select Interface.
The local interface settings are displayed in the right part of the window.
If the settings in the local interface are not available, this means that the values of settings defined by the policy are used for all protected virtual machines of the administration group.