If a thin client running Kaspersky Thin Client is not connected to Kaspersky Security Center or is connected but is not included in the managed devices group, this thin client will not send the administrator any requests to confirm the actions listed above. Add the thin client to the managed devices group to receive requests to confirm user actions.
To confirm the change of settings for connecting to Kaspersky Security Center or reset of all thin client settings:
In the main window of the Web Console, select Devices → Managed devices.
If a managed device is added to an administration group and an enforced policy is configured for the settings of this group, the settings that were individually configured for this device will not be applied.
In the window that opens, select the Applications tab.
Click the name of the Kaspersky Security Management Suite web plug-in.
This opens a window containing information about Kaspersky Thin Client.
Select the Application settings tab.
Select the Data exchange section.
In the Confirm user actions block, enter the code from the Kaspersky Thin Client interface which the user sent you and click Generate confirmation code.
A confirmation code will be created and displayed in the Confirm user actions block.
Send the confirmation code to the Kaspersky Thin Client user.
To confirm the change of the certificate for connecting to Kaspersky Security Center:
In the main window of the Web Console, select Devices → Policies & profiles.
Click the policy name for the Kaspersky Security Management Suite web plug-in.
In the window that opens, select the Application settings tab.
Select the Data exchange section.
In the Confirm user actions block, enter the code from the Kaspersky Thin Client interface which the user sent you and click Generate certificate replacement code.
A certificate replacement code will be created and displayed in the Confirm user actions block.
Send the certificate replacement code to the Kaspersky Thin Client user.