Active list was successfully cleared or operation failed

This event can arrive with a succeeded or failed status.

Since the request to clear the active list is made over a remote connection, a data transfer error may occur both before deletion and after deletion.

This means that the active list may be cleared successfully, but the event will still have the failed status. So, in fact, EventOutcome returns the TCP/IP connection status of the request, not the succeeded or failed status of the active list clearing.

Event field name

Field value


active list cleared


succeeded or failed


This field contains the value of the HTTP header x-real-ip or x-forwarded-for. If these headers are absent, the field will be empty.


The address from which the user logged in. If the user logged in using a proxy, there will be a proxy address.


Port from which the user logged in. If the user logged in using a proxy, there will be a port on the proxy side.


User login that was used to clear the active list.


User ID that was used to clear the active list.


Service ID for which the active list is cleared.


Active list ID.


Active list name.


If EventOutcome = failed, an error message can be found here.

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