Creating a user

To create a user account:

  1. In the KUMA web interface, open SettingsUsers.

    In the right part of the Settings section the Users table will be displayed.

  2. Click the Add user button and set the parameters as described below:
    • Name (required)—enter the user name. Must contain from 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
    • Login(required) – enter a unique user name for the user account. Must contain from 3 to 64 characters (only a–z, A–Z, 0–9, . \ - _).
    • Email (required)—enter the unique email address of the user. Must be a valid email address.
    • New password (required)—enter the password to the user account. Password requirements:
      • 8 to 128 characters long.
      • At least one lowercase character.
      • At least one uppercase character.
      • At lease one numeral.
      • At least one of the following special characters: !, @, #, %, ^, &, *.
    • Confirm password (required)—enter the password again for confirmation.
    • Disabled—select this check box if you want to disable a user account. By default, this check box is cleared.
    • In the Tenants for roles settings block, use the Add field buttons to specify which roles the user will perform on which tenants. Although a user can have different roles on different tenants, the user can have only one role on the same tenant.
    • Select the General administrator check box if you want to assign the general administrator role to the user. Users with the general administrator role can change the settings of other user accounts. By default, this check box is cleared.
  3. Click Save.

The user account will be created and displayed in the Users table.

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