Step 4. Response

This is an optional step of the Installation Wizard. On the Response tab of the Installation Wizard, you can select or create a resource for response rules and indicate which actions must be performed when the correlation rules are triggered. There can be multiple response rules. You can add them by clicking the Add button and can remove them by clicking the cross button.

To add an existing response rule to a set of resources:

  1. Click Add.

    The response rule settings window opens.

  2. In the Response rule drop-down list, select the relevant resource.

The response rule is added to the set of resources for the correlator.

To create a new response rule in a set of resources:

  1. Click Add.

    The response rule settings window opens.

  2. In the Response rule drop-down list, select Create new.
  3. In the Type drop-down list, select the type of response rule and define its corresponding settings:
    • ksctasks—if KUMA is integrated with Kaspersky Security Center, you can configure response rules to start Kaspersky Security Center tasks related to assets. For example, you can run a virus scan or database update. You can start these tasks only for assets that were imported from Kaspersky Security Center.

      Settings of ksctasks responses

    • script—used for running a sequence of instructions written to a file. The script file is stored on the server where the correlator service using the response resource is installed: /opt/kaspersky/kuma/correlator/<Correlator ID>/scripts. The kuma user of the operating system must be able to run the script.

      Settings of script responses

  4. If necessary, in the Workers field, specify the number of response task processes that can be run simultaneously.
  5. In the Filter section, you can specify conditions to identify events that will be processed by the response rule resource. You can select an existing filter resource from the drop-down list, or select Create new to create a new filter.

    Creating a filter in resources

The new response rule was added to the set of resources for the correlator.

Proceed to the next step of the Installation Wizard.

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